Professor Kay's charts about Settings
The Set Build a space where the characters & the audience coexist
Location Where is the most interesting place for your characters to be, during this part of the story? How can the (geography / landscaping / architecture / infrastructure / interior design / props) affect what happens?
Vantage Points Where are the clearest, most interesting places for the audience to observe this part of the story? Consider all 5 of their senses, in this location!
Blocking Where does the action take place? How do the (characters / audience) move through the set? Which routes do they take? How fast do they go? Where & when do they linger? What motivates them to come & go?
Vibe What is the tone, in this place? How does the atmosphere make the (characters / audience) feel? When a conflict happens in this place, how does it change the vibe? What other tones can work in this setting?
The World Be a tour guide for your setting
Population Which characters normally use this place? Who are they, demographically? How does the setting shape their identity? And how is their culture represented, in the setting?
Routine How do the local characters normally use this setting? In doing so, how have they shaped the space?
Rules How are characters expected to behave in this setting, and why? What happens if a character deviates from the norm?
Era When does the story take place? Compare & contrast w/ the setting, during an (earlier / later) time!