The Credits
Ian Kay

My Favorite Sources I recommend falling down these rabbit-holes!
The Cast & Crew The humans behind this website
Ian Kay
  • Researcher
  • Writer
  • Host
  • Filmmaker
  • Web Designer
  • Graphic Designer
Claire Ferguson
  • Researcher
  • Web Designer
Special Thanks
  • Andrew Rothschild
  • David Howard
  • Dr Julia Harper
  • Kirk Pearson
  • Lori C. Ingle
  • Nat Baimel
  • Suzi Margolin
  • You!
Professor Kay will return
My Objectives Here's what I'm working on
This class Version 2. New lessons… with less staring at me while I lecture, and more movie clips & example stories & creative challenges! Plus a dark mode for the website.
A sequel class Interactive Storytelling! How to tell a story that your audience can play along with & contribute to. Commonly featured in theme parks, escape rooms, and video games... but you can design one for any artform!
Suggestions? What subjects do you wish this class covered? Please give me an excuse to research more story structure! Reach out to
The End.  Thank you for playing along!