Professor Kay's charts about Story Structure
Conflict What is the audience rooting for? "Someone wants something badly, but they have trouble getting it." - Frank Daniel
Protagonist Which character is the audience rooting for?
Objective What is the protagonist trying to achieve?
Motivation Why does the protag want to achieve their objective so badly?
Antagonism What causes trouble for the protag, when they try to achieve their objective?
Plotline What happens in the story
Conflict Someone wants something badly, but they have trouble getting it.
Exposition What context does the audience need to know, in order to understand the conflict?
Culmination What happens when the protagonist collides with their antagonism?
Resolution Does the protagonist achieve (all / some / none) of their objective? What happens, and how does it affect them?
Arc How the story changes the protagonist
Inner Conflict The protag is psychologically motivated to pursue their objective, but they antagonize themself.
Before The protag (feels / thinks / behaves / believes) in a way that stops them from achieving the objective.
Change The story forces the protag to adapt, in order to achieve the objective.
After The protag (feels / thinks / behaves / believes) in a meaningfully different way than they did, Before.
Theme How to add authenticity to the arc
Before & After The storyteller adapts their own (experiences / observations / beliefs) into the subtext.
Change Imagine if the protag's arc happened to you, in real lifeā€¦ and you went from Before to After. What would be the most (challenging / meaningful / interesting) milestones?
The Thesis Now turn to the audience & say, "And if y'all are anything like me, then here's what you can take from this arc:"
Subplots Riff on the theme! How else do you feel about your thesis? Find a good spinoff idea & adapt it into a new plotline.