Sequences & Major Scenes

My Tutorial
How I outline a longer story

Break it down into
chapters, then scenes

The sequences & major scenes of
Act 1

The sequences & major scenes of
the first half of Act 2

The sequences & major scenes of
the last half of Act 2

The sequences & major scenes of
Act 3

Where do sequences come from?

8-Sequence Structure The major scenes & sequences of a traditional arc
First Impression How does the protagonist demonstrate their before? Introduce them in this scene!
Sequence 1 In the next few scenes, demonstrate the status quo of the protag's Before.
Inciting Incident What prompts the protag to start changing? Give the audience a taste of the protag's After in this scene.
Sequence 2 How does the inciting incident disrupt the protag's status quo? Demonstrate it, in a couple of scenes.
Act 1 Closer When, exactly, does the protag realize that their old status quo is gone & their change is beginning?
Sequence 3How does the protag react to the loss of their status quo? How do they struggle w/ the new one?
Sequence 4How does the protag try to change, at first? What's the trial & error? And how do they get humbled enough to realize how they need to change?
MidpointAha! At last, the protag understands how they need to change. What finally makes it click?
Sequence 5Now that the protag knows how they need to change, how do they follow through? What's the trial & error?
Sequence 6Think about the protag's motivation. What is the most emotionally significant vestige of their Before? What will be their last -- most difficult -- change?
Act 2 CloserHow does the most emotionally significant vestige of the Before use its strength to sabotage the protag (despite how much progress they've made)?
Sequence 7How does the protag overcome the most emotionally significant vestige of the Before?
ClimaxHow does the protag permanently change to After? Demonstrate it, in this spectacular scene!
Sequence 8Demonstrate the status quo of the protag's After.
Last ImpressionDemonstrate the protag's After!
Now it's your turn! Pick your favorite exercise

Learn about sequences, from someone else's story!
Outline your own sequences, from scratch!

Next Week

The most important moments of your story
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