Our weekly Zoom meetings
Do you want feedback? Attend the workshop!
We meet on Thursdays, from 7-9pm EST, to share & discuss the stories we're building. Join our Story Group!
Helpful Prompts Questions I often ask, in response to a story
How do I, the test audience, feel about the story so far?

  • In my own words: what is the storyteller's intention, in this part?
  • From my perspective, what works well?
  • What-- if anything-- does not yet work?
  • If I wrote the next draft, what would I (focus on / shy away from / change)?
How do you, the storyteller, feel about the story so far?

  • What are your favorite parts of this project?
  • Which parts-- if any-- are you currently struggling with?
  • Which part are you excited to work on next?
  • Which part are you afraid to start?
  • Have I had any similar experiences, when building my own stories? If so, what would I tell my younger self?
How does the protagonist feel about the story, so far?

  • Why is the character enduring this conflict? How will it ultimately affect them?
  • How well are they coping with this challenging experience, right now?
  • What might happen to them next? Best- & worst-case scenarios?